– The association for private dental care providers in Sweden
We support our members and strive to achieve the best conditions in the market for private dental care. By lobbying and participating in numerous groups, Privattandläkarna influence and take part in the implementation of decisions made by politicians and decision makers. The association offers expertise and support on insurance, law, marketing, public relations and collective agreements with different companies that offer services to its members. The association has 1,400 member companies and covers approximately 2,900 employees (dentists) in its member companies.
Are you a patient of one of our members?
Privattandläkarna have a unique agreement with the Swedish Consumer Agency. The agreement regulates the care provider’s responsibilities and the patient’s rights. Privattandläkarna has a dispute committee, Förtroendenämnden, which resolves disputes between care providers and patients.
Privattandvårdsupplysningen (PTU) is a public service offering support and advice concerning oral health by qualified staff. To initiate a complaint, contact PTU.
Contact information Privattandvårdsupplysningen (PTU)
Tuesday and Thursday
For more information in other languages, please visit
Contact information Privattandläkarna
Telephone: +46-8-555 44 600